Monday, June 8, 2015

This Is The Post That Begins The Blog About Welcoming Mom Into Our Home

It is happening. Dorsey is coming. 

Not on her own, of course. I expect to drive up and bring her back here - and I hope to see that the movers load everything from her tiny studio in the assisted living center in North Texas and deliver it all to my home in South Texas. 

Thank you, Aunt & Uncle, for providing her so much needed support, and for providing me so much peace of mind for these last several years. You have earned the right to do whatever you darned please. 

Are there merit badges for husbands? My amazing man enthusiastically agreed to relinquish the master bedroom and newly renovated master bathroom to welcome Mom into our daily lives. And he single-handedly moved our belongings to an upstairs bedroom, where we now live. He adapts to my anticipatory household purging/re-organizing with bitten tongue. This is worthy of the highest level husband merit badge, without a doubt. 

My mom deserves any trouble we might possibly take (and it truthfully hasn't been much). Dorsey sacrificed, as all good moms do, to set me off in the right direction and then fully supported me along the way whether I continued in the right direction or not. 

So, after long consideration, pondering, and procrastination, I'm starting this blog to document this journey of love. And I'm not just talking about the journey across 250 miles that have separated us for the last 11 years. 

A lot of change has already happened, at least within our household. Paring down possessions, reorganizing, repainting, re-learning how to cook daily meals....But no matter how much I think or work or plan and prepare, I can't shake the certain conviction that we haven't really begun to adapt yet. 

How can we? No matter how we try to prepare, this will be a seat-of-the-pants experience. Dorsey had a head start. She's been rolling with life's punches for 82 years, so far. In 2 weeks time, Hubby and I will find out first hand just how much we'll have to up our game to keep up with her.

Dorsey hates posing for pictures. I had to sneak up on her.